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Take your first steps towards successful Investment Management

Updated: May 9, 2023

Guide to a prosperous financial future

investment management

A successful athlete is not made overnight. Investment management is a similar ball game.

Learning the nitty-gritty of the vast world of investment management takes time, patience, and a lot of preparation. Managing your money and making investment decisions can be a daunting task that has a steep learning curve.

Here are 5 steps to set you on the path to successfully investing your money:

  1. Establish Goals: Making a plan of where we want to be financially in the future is the first step to setting yourself up for success. Asking yourself questions such as, “Do I want to retire 25 years from now at the age of 50?”, “How much would I need to have saved up in order to do so successfully?” will help you set targets and make a better investment plan.

  2. Make An Investment Strategy: Now that we have already established our financial goals, we need to design our investment strategy in a way that will best help us achieve said goals. An investment management strategy is like having a game plan in cricket. A good one boosts our chances of winning.

  3. Find The Right Path: The best way to start is by choosing a low-risk, adequately diversified portfolio that will net us stable gains. As the saying goes, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket”. This is another way of saying, “diversify” This makes for a good launchpad and as we continue to accrue investment knowledge the leap can be made towards a more refined investment portfolio.

  4. Consistently Monitor and Re-evaluate: It is critical to regularly review our portfolio to ensure that everything is on track. Making an informed decision to rebalance in order to clear deadwood is a critical step in the investment management journey. It’s a little like getting your car serviced regularly to maintain its condition.

  5. Play The Long Game: Often patience or rather lack thereof is the downfall of investors when it comes to the management of their investments. Persisting with a well-planned long-term strategy might seem like a choice devoid of excitement. Paul Samuelson, America’s first Nobel laureate said that “Investing should be like watching paint dry or grass grow.” To simplify, what he meant to say was that our chances of achieving success go up exponentially if we stay the course and play the long game.


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